We are The League of Extraordinary Coworking Spaces
But you can call us LExC (lek-see), for short.

When you're a member at one of our spaces...
You’re a member at all of our spaces.
The Port Workspaces Portland, OR

Right next door or across the world
Take your pick.
Hub Australia Sydney

Seamless, thoughtful, and reliable
Our hand-picked spaces represent the best that coworking has to offer.
Blankspaces Los Angeles, CA
LExC spaces are where quality, accessibility, and passion meet. They’re where self-motivated free-thinkers—led by strategic, competent entrepreneurs—forge communities that value connection and innovation over traditional metrics of success. We’re the world’s first serious, experienced network of coworking spaces.
Welcome to the ultimate coworking experience.
Downtown Works
HOW it works
If you’re a member at a LExC member coworking space, consider yourself a member of all of them. All members are entitled to free, full-day coworking passes at any of our locations, up to 5 times per space, per year.
Are you a “member of a member” looking to book a free day of coworking? Contact your coworking space’s community manager for our Liquidspace discount code and/or access to reserving your day at any of our global destinations.