Seamless connection. Thoughtful reliability.
Our hand-picked spaces represent the best that coworking has to offer.
If you’re a member of one of our coworking spaces, consider yourself a member of all of them. All LExC members are entitled to free, full-day coworking passes at any of our locations, up to 5 times per space, per year.
Are you a “member of a member” looking to book a free day of coworking? Contact your coworking space’s community manager for our Liquidspace discount code and/or access to reserving your day at any of our global destinations.
What is a Lexc space?
Quite simply, LExC is a unique network of coworking spaces with common standards of excellence. More specifically, LExC spaces are where quality, accessibility, and passion meet to foster communities that value connection and innovation. Most importantly, LExC spaces form the world’s first reliable, seamless network of coworking spaces—the ultimate coworking experience.
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What it takes
We don’t rely on reputation—we make the reputation. As the global voice of quality coworking, we independently review each applicant based on merit and alignment with our values—it’s not about a trend, it’s about longevity and integrity.
All LExC spaces are evaluated using highly-competitive criteria:
member experience
space design
Operating model
Community engagement
Before applying, coworking space owners should confirm that the following conditions are met:
The space’s primary business is in coworking (not in renting vacant real estate).
The space provides both flex space/hot desks & meeting rooms (and, ideally, space for networking events).
The space has been in business for over a year.
The space is willing and able to accept (in both work & meeting space) visiting coworkers from LExC member spaces.
The space employs an on-site community manager who is responsible for day-to-day member experience.
The space uses, or is willing to use, the LiquidSpace platform to book workspace and meeting rooms.
The space is willing and able to pay the annual $1000 LExC membership fee, and willing to participate in or attend a minimum of 4 meetings per year.